Baby lying in DockATot Deluxe+ dock in Acorn print

What size DockATot dock should I buy? Choosing the right dock for your baby

Posted by Swanky on

With a plethora of baby products on the market, we know that life as an expecting or new parent can be full of complex choices and decisions. From choosing an on-trend nursery interior scheme to selecting the most organic massage oil for your baby, the possibilities are endless and somewhat confusing. 

Baby lying in a DockATot Deluxe+ dock in Golden Willow Boughs

One of our most frequently asked questions is: ‘What size DockATot dock should I buy?’ Whether you’re expecting a baby or buying a luxury gift for someone you love, we’re here to help.

Can we ask?

First, though, a few questions for you... Do you need somewhere comfortable, safe and secure for your baby to lie flat and play? Do you travel frequently and need somewhere familiar for your baby to rest and play whilst on the road? Are you thinking about how to transition your little one to a toddler bed? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we can help you choose the right size DockATot dock for your baby...

DockATot Deluxe+ dock - 1st stage

0-8 months old 

The Deluxe+ dock is suitable for infants approximately 0-8 months old. It has been designed to mimic the comfort and reassurance of the womb - snug, cosy and supportive. From the moment your baby is brought into this world, they can be placed in the Deluxe+ dock. 

Baby lying in a DockATot Deluxe+ dock in Golden Willow Boughs design
DockATot Deluxe+ dock in Golden Willow Boughs

Keeps your baby flat and secure

Rather than being propped up in an inclined bouncer seat or scrunched up for prolonged periods of time in a bucket seat, health practitioners recommend that babies under 6 months are kept flat on their backs when lounging, sleeping or playing. 

Baby lying in a DockATot Deluxe+ dock in Pristine White playing with the Toy Arch

This is primarily for optimal oxygen intake and to help their spine and hips develop properly. Inclined baby loungers increase the risk of airway compression and suffocation.

The Deluxe+ dock offers a secure, flat environment for your supervised baby to rest and play. And they won’t roll away! You can take a shower, get dressed and even enjoy moments just gazing into their eyes, knowing they’re safe and comfortable. 

Familiar spot for travelling

If you’re a globe-trotter, jet-setter or all-round travel enthusiast with a baby in tow, then this multitasking dock is your trusty travel companion. Routine, familiarity and security (alongside heaps of unconditional love) are fundamental to the holistic development of a baby and the Deluxe+ dock effortlessly facilitates all these. 

DockATot Deluxe+ getaway tote in Navy

Kate, from The Mom Friend blog, says that the best thing about travelling with a DockATot dock is always having one at your destination. She says, ‘It instantly creates a safe and clean padded surface to put your baby down, no matter what your surroundings end up being or looking like. Use it in the airport during a layover, out on a balcony at a hotel, or at the park or beach.’ 

Its versatility is truly exceptional. 

DockATot Grand dock - 2nd stage

9 - 36 months old

The Grande dock is suitable for older infants and toddlers aged 9 - 36 months old. 50% longer and wider than the Deluxe+ dock, it provides an essential space for tots to lounge and play. The built-in sides to the dock gives your little one a sense of familiarity and comfort if they have been used to the Deluxe+ dock. Set them up with some books and toys and you can sneak a few minutes' peace to enjoy a latte! 

Toddler boy lying across a DockATot Grande dock in Busy Bees design
DockATot Grande dock in Busy Bees

Eases transition into a toddler bed

For older tots, the Grande dock provides a comforting and safe space with which to transition them to a toddler bed. Outgrowing their cot and moving into a new sleeping space can be unsettling for a child, and many parents have said this has helped ease the transition. 

Toddler lying in a DockATot Grande dock in Golden Willow Boughs print

The familiarity of the cushioned edge brings a sense of reassurance to a new place and can ease anxious little minds as they begin to develop into toddlers and preschoolers. 

Perfect outdoor accessory

Getting outdoors is a must for a parent’s mental health and for making memories. Whether you’re taking a picnic to the park or lounging by the pool, your Deluxe+ dock is the ultimate outdoor baby/ toddler accessory. Simply slot into one of our stylish getaway totes and you’re good to go! 

You can also purchase a water-resistant base protector to keep your dock clean and dry whilst out and about. It folds up into a portable drawstring storage pouch - getting outdoors has never been easier! 

DockATot Deluxe+ dock with base protector in Navy
DockATot Base Protector

What are parents saying? 

Our aim at DockATot is to provide luxurious but simplified and timeless parenting solutions to everyday life. We may be biased, but we consider a DockATot dock to be one of the wisest baby purchases you could ever make. Don’t just take our word for it - see what some of our parents say… 

‘My daughter loves her DockATot [dock] - I love how it’s a perfect size to take when travelling or even going over to a friend’s. I would recommend buying it, no second thoughts, it’s probably the best thing I’ve bought for my daughter so far.’

‘Love this product! Used for both my kiddos and gives this mama a sense of ease when the baby needs to hang out while I need an extra set of hands!’

‘This has been one of the best gifts for my Grandson. He really loves just laying in it and looking around!’

Baby lying in a DockATot Deluxe+ dock

‘I have bought the DockATot [docks] for 2 of my nieces! One of them has twins and she has advanced to the larger size after using the original ones. The DockATot provides a space for a baby to feel secure. I highly recommend the DockATot.’

‘We used the Deluxe+ dock for our little guy until he was about 4 months old. It was one of the most used items we received for him! We were able to easily take it anywhere around the house for [rests] and play. He loved it and now it’s being stored for future babies. Since we couldn't live without our Dock, we bought one for my cousin’s baby!’

You won’t regret it

The baby-gear market is saturated with ‘necessities’ for you and your little one and it can be tricky to unravel what is a must-have and what isn’t. We think a DockATot dock is one product you won’t regret choosing. 

Whether you’re about to embark on your parenting journey or you’re a bit further along the road, there’s something for everyone. Do let us know what you think by leaving a review - we love hearing how our docks are being used to help parents across the globe.

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